
Creating the JSAudioKnobs JavaScript library

Background During my PhD, I created a browser-based music remixing application which I named Remix Portal. It was quite a complex beast, and as is so often the case in research environments, it had to be put together rather quickly. This meant that whilst I was really proud of the robust and effective finished product, I knew the underlying code could do with a thorough refactor, and because of this I was always a little nervous about people poking their head under the bonnet.

The making of this portfolio site & continuous deployment with Netflify

Welcome to my portfolio site. I decided to jump on the JAM stack train for this one and go with Hugo as my static site generator. There are loads of nice templates available, and making a template look and feel like your own is a straightforward process, with 90% of the work achieved by editing the theme’s config.toml file. Hugo templates also ship with an example site with demo content. This makes it really easy to figure out the nuts and bolts of the operation, like appropriate folder structure, where to place media and how to link to them, how to configure menus etc.